Replacement of a Sewer Grinder Pump or Septic to Sewer Conversion
Call Cascade Utilities at 425-861-8787 to discuss how we can help you with your project.
Your homesite or commercial building may be "below grade", or lower than the level of the road and the sewer main utility. The sewer grinder pump moves waste from the home to the sewer main. Cascade Utilities can help replace your sewer grinder pump to keep your system running smoothly.
Septic tanks may eventually fail and as a homeowner, you may decide that it is time to tap into the main sewer system. Decommissioning of your septic system requires pumping, breaking of the vault top, backfilling and compaction for safety, and then the installation of a new side sewer. This can be a relatively seamless process with an experienced team.
Cascade Utilities is a Registered Side Sewer Contractor in the cities of Redmond, Sammamish, Seattle, and many others.
Contact us to discuss how we can help.
Before picture of sewer grinder pump replacement.
Exit pipe for sewer grinder pump after hand-digging.
After picture of sewer grinder pump replacement