Subdividing a Waterfront Lot
Call us at 425-861-8787 to discuss how we can help you with your project.
Homeowners may choose to subdivide their lot into two or three smaller homesites to maximize investment return. Cascade Utilities can perform the site and utility work with both contractors and homeowners with quality and precision. Contact us to discuss your plans.
Before utility installation of second home site.
Storm water mitigation at shore line.
Excavaition of utility trench for new home site
Installation of manhole with a trench box
Cleanout box Installation.
Night work to attach home site utilities to underground utility mains that cross the main right of way road.
Utility trench showing multiple utility lines
New water line valves for new homes
Erosion control on a shoulder slope
New asphalt roadway.
New Eco-Block Retaining Wall